
[论文阅读] Improving Transferability of Adversarial Patches on Face Recognition with Generative Models

CVPR2021 使用生成模型提高对抗补丁在人脸识别上的迁移性

题目: Improving Transferability of Adversarial Patches on Face Recognition with Generative Models

作者: Zihao Xiao, ..., Jun Zhu







       其次,我们提出了在低维数据流形上对对抗补丁进行正则化。这个流形有在合法人脸图像上预训练的生成模型表示。将像人脸的特征(face-like feature)作为对抗扰动,通过在流形上的优化,我们表明替代模型和目标模型之间的响应差距显著减小,并且表现出更好的迁移性。



  • 论文解决的问题:提升人脸识别中对抗补丁的迁移性

  • 动机:

           先前的对抗补丁的工作基于白盒设定,或者基于询问的设定,但部署在现实世界中的模型不能轻易被访问。所以本文聚焦于提升query-free black-box setting的迁移性。在这个设定下,基于迁移的对抗攻击被广泛使用。


  • 相关工作

    • 对抗补丁。先前工作都是基于白盒设定的。
    • 可迁移的对抗样本。大多数是用在生成\(L_p\)约束下的对抗样本,但可以被迁移至对抗补丁中。但易陷入局部最优。
    • 对抗样本的生成式模型。现有的生成式方法迁移性有限,如SemanticAdv。
  • 科学假设:不同的人脸识别模型对类人脸特征(face-like features)的响应是有效相关的,这可以提高对抗补丁的迁移性。

  • 贡献:提出通过在低维流形上对对抗补丁进行优化来进行正则化,流形用生成模型表示,在其latent space内进行优化。



即用momentum、diversity input、transform方法生成可迁移对抗补丁,很简单。

TAP-TIDIM algorithm


  • 迁移性对初值很敏感。对于目标攻击,仅把初始值换成目标人脸,就有很大的迁移性提升。

  • 当搜索空间变大时,迁移性降低。对于\(L_\infin\)约束,当可改变像素值越大时,性能先提升后下降,这是过拟合的体现。

    Figure 3. The success rates of TAP-TIDIM on the black-box models first rise and then fall when the maximal perturbation magnitude increases. This indicates that the adversarial patches are overfitting the substitute model. The results are black-box impersonation attack on FaceNet and CosFace under the face verification task. The adversarial examples are generated against ArcFace by restricting the adversarial patches to an eyeglass frame region. 200 image pairs from the LFW dataset are used.

Generative adversarial patch



  • 足够的能力。即可以成功攻击白盒代理模型。
  • 良好的正则化。即使代理模型和目标模型的响应是相关的,以减轻过拟合。

文章使用了一个生成模型学习到的流形,这个生成模型是在正常人脸图像上训练的。使用\(h(S):S\to R^n\) 表示这个生成模型,\(S\)表示latent space。之后就是对某一个latent code进行优化,文章中用的Adam。





  • 数据集:LFW和Celeb_HQ。对于face verification,选择400对不同身份的人脸图像。对于face identification,选择400个图像作为gallery set,选择与之前400对应相同身份的400张图片作为probe set。

  • 人脸识别模型:FaceNet, CosFace, ArcFace,在LFW数据集上达到了99%正确率。每个模型的cosine相似度阈值都是通过在6000对(3000对相同身份、3000对不同身份)图像上测试的最好阈值。同时用了Face++和Aliyun的模型。

  • 生成模型:ProGAN, StyleGAN, StyleGAN2

  • 补丁位置:眼镜和口罩....

    Figure 2. The binary masks M indicating the regions of the designed patches. (a) An eyeglass frame. (b) A respirator.

  • 度量准则:对于face verification使用阈值,对face identification使用最近邻。用成功率衡量。



Table 1. The success rates of black-box dodging attack on FaceNet, CosFace, ArcFace, Face++ and Aliyun in the digital world under the face verification task. The adversarial examples are generated against FaceNet, CosFace, and ArcFace by restricting the adversarial patches to an eyeglass frame region. ∗ indicates white-box attacks.
Table 2. The success rates of black-box impersonation attack on FaceNet, CosFace, ArcFace, Face++ and Aliyun in the digital world under the face verification task. The adversarial examples are generated against FaceNet, CosFace, and ArcFace by restricting the adversarial patches to an eyeglass frame region. ∗ indicates white-box attacks.
  1. TAP-TIDIM表现好于TAP-MIM。表明先前提高迁移性的方法在对抗补丁上仍然有用。
  2. 单纯的GenAP在大多数情况下好于TAP方法,证明提出的正则化方法的有效性。
  3. GenAP和GenAP-DI表现相似,在本方法上增加di没用。
  4. GenAP比简单的PASTE效果好很多,表明GenAP不仅在生成目标人脸的特征,也在寻找适合攻击者面部特征的对抗性特征。
  5. 商业模型Face++和Aliyun对对抗补丁的脆弱性。

Ablation study on GenAP

Table 3. The success rates of black-box impersonation attack when the architectures, the parameter and the latent space are changed in the proposed GenAP algorithm. The adversarial examples are generated against ArcFace by restricting the adversarial patches to an eyeglass frame region, and are tested on FaceNet, CosFace and ArcFace in the digital world under the face verification task. ∗ indicates white-box attacks. The ablation studies are on (a) the parameters (RAND, CAR and FFHQ) of the StyleGAN2, (b) the architectures of the generative model (ProGAN, StyleGAN, StyleGAN2) and (c) the latent space (Z,W,W+ and noise) used by StyleGAN2 trained on FFHQ.


使用\(W^+\)和Noise作为latent space。

Table3(a)说明,在CAR数据集上训练的模型白盒攻击表现较好,但是基本没有迁移性;在人脸数据集上训练迁移性好很多。表明使用face-like特征作为扰动, is important for bridging the gap between the substitute and the target face recognition models to improve transferability in the GenAP methods.


Table3(b), StyleGAN2表现最好。

生成模型的latent space

Table3(c), \(W^+\)+ Noise 最好。




Table 4. The cosine similarties between the attacker wearing the adversarial eyeglass frame and three different target identities in the physical-world. The target identities are randomly drawn from CelebA-HQ. The adversarial eyeglass frame is crafted by the TAPTIDIMv2 and the proposed GenAP-DI algorithms on ArcFace, and is tested on CosFace and FaceNet.





本文研究了query-free black-box设定下人脸识别模型对对抗补丁的鲁棒性。首先,我们将现有的技术从\(l_p\)约束(p > 0)的设置扩展到patch的设定,生成可迁移的对抗patch的TAP算法。然而,一些实验现象表明,TAP算法很难摆脱局部最优,迁移性性不理想。因此,我们提出在人脸图像上预先训练的生成模型学习的流形上对对抗补丁进行正则化。所提出的GenAP算法中的扰动类似于人脸特征,这对于减少替代模型与目标人脸识别模型之间的差距具有重要意义。实验验证了所提方法的优越性。



  1. 使用StyleGAN模型有点庞大。


  1. 不同GAN模型之间的差距还是很大的,越有语义编辑特性的模型效果越好。并且对Z的优化竟然效果那么差....原因?

  2. 为什么之前的方法那么容易陷入局部最优。

  3. 新提出的正则方法就是将扰动局限在人脸特征中,并且还能在这个latent space中找到对抗样本,对GAN的要求有点高。

  4. 有没有别的方法可以达到类似的效果

  5. 发现这个方法有目标攻击生成的补丁和目标人的特征很相似,其实就相当于保留目标人脸的特征的前提下(本文提出的正则化),尽可能搜索对抗样本。有没有其他方法可以在修改的时候既保留人脸特征又有对抗性?

Figure 4. Visualization of adversarial eyeglass frames generated by the TAP-TIDIM and the GenAP-DI methods for dodging attack. The first three rows are the demonstrations on CelebA-HQ dataset and the others are from LFW dataset. And the three columns denotes the pictures of attackers and attackers with the adversarial eyeglass frames by generated by TAP-TIDIM and GenAP-DI methods separately. In TAP-TIDIM, we use = 255.
Figure 5. Visualization of adversarial eyeglass frames generated by the TAP-TIDIM and the GenAP-DI methods for impersonation attack. The first three rows are the demonstrations on CelebA-HQ dataset and the others are from LFW dataset. The first two columns are the photos of attackers and their target identities, and the following two columns show the attackers with the adversarial eyeglass frames generated by the proposed TAP-TIDIM and GenAP-DI methods. In TAP-TIDIM, we use = 40.